Excel Blood Glucose Log sheet

I originally posted an Excel sheet I created to make a log sheet that shows a week on one page, with all the same time lined up (8AM, 10PM, etc.) and the 24 hours goes across the whole page.  If you do not have Excel, I have saved the sheet as a PDF file so you can print this off and write on it.


I have also created the Excel document as a Google Document, which you can find here:

Blood Glucose Log Sheet

New Carb Factor Directions

I have created a new PDF file with carb factor directions and a list of common foods. Carb Factor Instructions and Common Foods

Updated USDA Food list

I posted about this last year, but it is worth mentioning again and providing a link to the newest food list.  The USDA website has links to download nutrition information free.  You can search for foods on their website, download it to your computer or your Palm-based PDA.  Go to this USDA page for more information.